Farid Hafez

Political Scientist, Assistant Teaching Professor of International Relations at William and Mary, Senior Fellow at Bridge Initiative/Georgetown University

Austria Election: Why are young people voting for the far-right?

There have been a series of far-right victories across Europe – most recently in Austria. The country’s far-right Freedom Party won an historic victory in the general election, securing 29% of the votes. Young people in particular are voting more for the far-right, but what are the reasons why? At TRT World’s Roundtable, I discuss […]

What’s behind Germany’s raging Islamophobia

The sentiments reflected in Germany’s old anti-Semitism cannot be publicly expressed anymore due to the state’s official embrace of philo-Semitism. That is why they are channelled through Islamophobia. What cannot be done to the Jew anymore, can easily be done to the Muslim. Read my latest op-ed for Al Jazeera English

Calls for Srebrenica 2.0

What the call for a mass genocide against Muslims in Germany reveals about Europe’s Indentitarian Movement — old fascism in new clothes. Read my latest op-ed here.

Book chapter in the Handbook of Gendered Islamophobia

“On White, Male Desires and Projections: Islamophobia and Patriarchy” is a new book chapter in the Palgrave Handbook of Gendered Islamophobia edited by Amina Easat-Daas and Irene Zempi. The chapter is an investigation into desires and projections of dominant white patriarchic structures that discusses Islamophobic discourses from a psychoanalytical perspective. Two seemingly different, but also […]

Book Talk at Brandeis Univ

Politicizing Islam in Austria. On Far-Right Success in the Twenty-First Century Tues., March 26, 202412:00 – 1:30 pm ET (US)Hybrid In-Person and Zoom WebinarMandel Reading Room 303, Mandel Center for Humanities, Brandeis University Click here for registration: https://www.brandeis.edu/cges/news-events/spring-2024/240326-faridhafez.html

Wie ich zum Staatsfeind erklärt wurde

Erstmals habe ich meine eigene Geschichte zur Operation Luxor niedergeschrieben. der Kampf gegen den politischen Islam auswirken kann. Der vorliegende Text erzählt die Geschichte, wie es zur Operation Luxor kommen konnte und warum kaum Widerstand gegen diese rassistische Politik in Österreich zu bemerken war. Ich behandle die Operation Luxor auch in Verbindung mit dem “Projekt […]