Farid Hafez

Political Scientist, Assistant Teaching Professor of International Relations at William and Mary, Senior Fellow at Bridge Initiative/Georgetown University

Author: fhafez

Gedanken zu Ausweisungsplänen der Rechten

Die Medienlandschaft wie auch Politik gibt sich schockiert über die sogenannten Remigrations-Pläne der Neuen Rechten. Aber sind die Grundlagen für eine solche im Kleinen nicht bereits gelegt worden? Einige kritische Anmerkungen. Mein Gastkommentar für TRTDeutsch.

Neues Buch: Operation Luxor

Operation Luxor. Eine kritische Aufarbeitung der größten rassistischen Polizeioperation Österreichs ist am 2. November 2023 zum dritten Jahrestag der Operation Luxor bei Transcript Verlag erschienen. Hier kostenlos zum Nachlesen

What’s Behind France’s Abaya Ban in State Schools?

France’s education minister has announced that the abaya will be banned in state-run schools, as of next week. The loose-fitting garment – worn mostly by Muslim women – has been a point of contention in France. The staunchly secular country enforces a strict ban on the wearing of visible religious signs and symbols in state […]

German conservatives against Muslim civil society Last month, centre-right and far-right parties in Germany proposed a motion to reinstate an ‘expert group’ to surveil the country’s Muslim population. Read full analysis here

“Political Islam” in the Austrian Debate

As part of the book ‘Development, Globalization, Global Values, and Security,’ essays in honor of political scientist Arno Tausch, in this article, I review a discussion in the daily Die Presse on “political Islam” in Austria, in which I and Arno Tausch were involved. Discussing the main arguments of both camps that were involved, I […]