Farid Hafez

Political Scientist, Visiting Professor of International Studies at Williams College, Senior Fellow at Bridge Initiative/Georgetown University

Category: General

Islamophobe Verschwörungstheorien

Prof. Farid Hafez spricht in dieser Folge u. a. über die sog. Obama-Verschwörung, in der Barack Obama vor allem von rechtsorientierten Massenmedien unterstellt wird, er sei Muslim und habe als Präsident eine Art islamischer Machtübernahme in den USA zum Ziel gehabt. Hafez sieht einen engen Zusammenhang zwischen Islamophobie und Rassismus, lehnt den Begriff „Islamkritik“ jedoch […]

A Postcolonial Analysis of Austria’s Political Approach to Islam

This essay examines Austria’s political approaches to Islam between 2011 and 2022 at the interface of political science and religious policy as informed by postcolonial studies. Austrian political approaches to Islam are analyzed through the study of publications, press releases, government and party programmes, as well as laws, all conceptualized as an Islam dispositif. Against […]

Criminalizing Muslim agency in Europe

This article discusses the emergence of a discourse on ‘political Islam’ in the policy circles of European elites. It interprets this discourse on one hand as a manifestation of the further criminalization of Muslimness emanating from programs of countering ‘extremism’ and deradicalizing Muslim youth in the wake of the global war on terror. More specifically, […]