The ‘War on Terror’ ushered in a new era of anti-Muslim bias and racism. Anti-Muslim racism, or Islamophobia, is influenced by local economies, power structures and histories. However, the War on Terror, a conflict undefined by time and place, with a homogenised Muslim ‘Other’ framed as a perpetual enemy, has contributed towards a global Islamophobic […]
As guilty until proven innocent increasingly becomes authorities’ approach to Muslims, basic rights such as freedom of religion are at great risk. Read my analysis here
Die Kriminalisierung der muslimischen Zivilgesellschaft schreitet voran. Zu oft wird der Grundsatz der Unschuldsvermutung ins Gegenteil verkehrt. Den gesamten Artikel gibt es hier
Exactly three years after the murder of 51 people in two mosques in New Zealand’s Christchurch, the United Nations adopted a resolution to make March 15 the International Day to Combat Islamophobia. Read my op-ed here
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